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5 day Instagram challenge

Instagram changed the life of my business, but also mine! I quickly realized that this was the platform I wanted to invest in, and in a short time I reached thousands of new followers, at a time when few brands used social media as a tool to promote their business.

Start: July 5, 2021

But when I started there wasn't much information and I had to learn everything pretty much on my own. Today, I don't want that to happen to you and I've prepared the best tips to transform your Instagram now... starting today!

For 5 days you will receive tips, strategies and tricks in your email to improve your Instagram. And the best? It's 100% free!

Niche & Target

- The importance of understanding who you are communicating to

- Be an expert in your area of expertise

- Knowing how to define your target audience perfectly


- Broadcast your mission and message

- Turn followers into customers

- The importance of the call to action


- Consistency and valuable content

- The importance of planning

- Manage time on Instagram vs Business


- Followers vs People

- How it can change your life and that of your business

- The key tool to grow organically


- Why should they be used?

- How to use them?

- What are worth for?

It's your opportunity

to be a part!

Desafio 5 dias de Instagram.png
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